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About Anou

My Story


Anou is the shortened name of Annapoorna, which translates to “goddess of food” in Sanskrit. Was Anou destined for this?

Her first career was as an architect and sustainable development consultant. In 2015, she began working as a plant-based chef and got certified at the Plant Lab in California. She collaborates with Ayurvedic food experts, among others.

She established À Table chez Anou in Eaux-Vives, Geneva, a place where every mindful dinner transforms the meal into a celebration of vegan gastronomic diversity.

Guests are received at the chef’s table, the only and unique table of the establishment: it’s a very privileged and intimate moment as they watch the chefs cook a refined menu of seven dishes in front of them, served with explanations of the compositions and benefits for taste, health, and sustainability. Vegetables are honored, rediscovered, and reinvented, thus promoting sustainable eating in Geneva.

Anou integrates architecture, nutrition, and social impact to raise public awareness about a respectful lifestyle. Guided by her values, Anou combines contemporary design and plant-based cuisine to transform your everyday life. With overflowing creativity and a contagious smile, she invites you to rediscover vegetables in a culinary journey full of umami flavors.

Rediscovering vegetables

For new flavours: Umami!


Every day is Earth Day at À Table chez Anou, reflecting our commitment to a sustainable lifestyle.


Lessons in sustainable development directly influence our menu, highlighting the impact of our dietary choices on the environment and our ecosystem.

Making a difference

A small gesture, like choosing local and seasonal foods, can transform the world. At À Table chez Anou, we take this step together.

The host table

A place where guests become friends, sharing more than a meal: a unique experience.

Order a Chef at home

Your in-home gourmet chef

Chef a Domicile à Table chez Anou

2015 was a decisive year in my career, or rather my vocation. The year I donned a chef’s hat. My mission was to create conscious, plant-based culinary experiences to introduce the world to the wonders of nutritious food.

My previous professions were far from less demanding, but becoming a chef opened up the world to me in a completely different way.

I realised just how physically and emotionally demanding this profession is, not to mention that the work-life balance is completely unbalanced.

I’ve acquired a new sense of respect and solidarity with the other chefs. I appreciate their work virtually and I call them up to have a chat.

In 2020, Covid hit and I saw how chefs were fighting to stay relevant! The vulnerability, emotional distress and frustration of chefs was so evident. I felt I had to do something, to make a difference.

That’s when the idea of creating a platform that would stand up for chefs started to take shape, to grow, to become something I not only wanted to do, but needed to do.

I wanted chefs to have a place where they could feel seen. Gone are the days when chefs stayed in their kitchens, when their stories went unheard and their creations unappreciated. I wanted them to be the stars, to shine and earn what they really deserved! That they get the recognition and love they need.

Anou Bocassam


A Table chez Anou

I look forward to meeting you soon, to welcoming you at the chef’s table or having one of our gourmet chefs enliven an evening at your home.

Yours sincerely, Anou